Owned by Joe from Stratford, ON
The car left Dunmurry Ireland and came in to Port at North Carolina and was sold and driven for sometime.
Then in 1988-1989 the car was sold to someone and put on top of a shipping container at an amusement park in Utah and made to look like the car for Back To The Future for a long time at the park.
Until Justin from Wells Auto bought the car and took it back to Milton Ontario Canada.
I got the car from Justin at Wells Auto and when Covid started I was talking to Justin and said I was looking for a grey interior 5 speed car and he said he had one and would sell it. So I gave Justin a deposit for the car .
It took sometime for Wellls Auto to start restoration of the car only because of the time of Covid.
My favorite part of the car is the car itself.
I have always wanted to get a DeLorean since I was 5-year old boy after seeing Back To The Future I knew then that I wanted the car .
I use the car for photo shoots and car shows, also car cruise with my car club Stratford Cruises.